Holy Week
Palm/ Passion Sunday – March 24
10 am – Worship with palms and special music as we begin Holy Week. Join us for an uplifting service of celebration and praise.
Good Friday – March 29, 11 am – Find Comfort in the Sadness of this Day
On Good Friday, we reflect on the events leading up to the death of Jesus, and what it means to us. With the theme Moving Towards the Cross, we’ll reflect on the Passion story through readings, poetry and actions. We find comfort in being together on this sad day. Please join us!
Easter Sunday – March 31, 10 am – Truly Experience the Joy of Easter!
We gather on Easter to celebrate new life, Jesus rising from the dead and the freedom that brings. With joy, we sing, hear special music and stories, and enjoy the beautiful living cross. We welcome children who will receive an Easter bag of treats and crafts. Come and join us, and if you have a friend who wonders about faith, invite them as we joyfully gather as a community.