St. Columba is a place where children find a home to grow in their faith, and mentors to accompany them on their journey. Kids Club takes place on the second and last Sunday of every month, September-June (except December and June and on other special themed Sundays, when there is all ages worship. See below.). Kids use all their senses to learn about God and the amazing world that God has created for us.
Nursery, that includes brief stories for babies and toddlers growing in their faith, is available during kids club, on request.
On weeks when there is no Kids club, a story during the service, storybooks and activities are provided. We value the sounds and presence of children of all ages in our worship.
Youth group meets from time to time for fun outings. They also meet occasionally in person and by zoom, to share stories, receive support, and wonder about the world, their spiritual journeys and the way they may share their gifts.
Kids and teens are mentored by adults, including seniors. They are encouraged to help out in worship, food ministry events and St. Columba fundraisers.

Kids are always welcome in St. Columba worship. Here are Sundays when the service is especially tailored to and led by our children and youth:
Last Sunday in September
Worship Service includes Blessing of the Backpacks
3rd Sunday in December
Advent/ Christmas Service with Play for All Ages
3rd Sunday in June
Outdoor Worship with Grad Recognition